Education The Purpose Coalition Education The Purpose Coalition

#LeadingWithPurpose Spotlight: Prof Graeme Atherton, Director of National Education Opportunities Network at the University of West London

Our #LeadingWithPurpose Spotlight interview series sees organisational leaders explain what leading with purpose means to them and how they strive to make their organisation a force for good in society. In this episode, read how Prof Graeme Atherton, Director of National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) at the University of West London, does so.

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Education The Purpose Coalition Education The Purpose Coalition

#LeadingWithPurpose Spotlight: Prof Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Students Experience at Liverpool John Moores University

Our #LeadingWithPurpose Spotlight interview series sees organisational leaders explain what leading with purpose means to them and how they strive to make their organisation a force for good in society. In this episode, read how Prof Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Student Experience at Liverpool John Moores University, does so.

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Education Guest Blog Education Guest Blog

Higher Education is a key driver of social mobility

Higher education is a key driver for social mobility. Income gaps in later life are lower between graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers, compared to non graduates. And while it’s not the only route to social mobility, it’s clear that a university education is key.

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