Work and study: how can we ensure everyone has access to education?

Work and study: how can we ensure everyone has access to education?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Education in Britain is often full-time, and for those not on traditional routes to education, or who have other responsibilities such as caring, that can make access to it extremely difficult. This event will consider how the new Labour government can work in partnership with universities, higher and further education providers, and businesses to break down barriers to education.

We will consider the importance of flexible study including at evenings and weekends, how educational institutions can deal with competing demands on people’s time and help ensure that those who are classed as ‘older students’ who have gone into the work environment, can get access to the right experiences for long term progression.


  • Prof Ray Lloyd, CEO of Global Banking School

  • Steve Race, MP for Exeter

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Gill German, MP for Clwyd North

  • Lee Barron, MP for Corby & East Northamptonshire

  • Harriet Butcher, Centrica

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Why colleges are a real alternative to university

Why colleges are a real alternative to university

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

1.8 million people across the UK enrolled in further education last year – down from over 3 million just over a decade ago. This panel discussion will explore whether going to college can be a real alternative to university, and the power of further education to boost economic growth and break down barriers to opportunity.


  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Harpreet Uppal MP, Huddersfield

  • Natasha Irons MP, Croydon East

  • Liz Bromley, Chief Executive of NCG

  • Angela Joyce, Chief Executive of Capital City College Group

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How can a Labour government harness AI to tackle health inequalities?

How can a Labour government harness AI to tackle health inequalities?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AI is everywhere - but can it improve public services and cut waiting lists? This event will explore how AI in health can deliver better, faster outcomes for patients, cut waiting lists and tackle the deep-rooted health inequalities that still exist in Britain today.


  • Sarah Maling, Chair of Training at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists

  • Ola Spencer, Spencer Technology Officer at Optegra

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Josh Simons, MP for Makerfield

  • Dr Charlotte Refsum, Director of Health Policy at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

  • William Harris, Principal AI Advisor at Druid AI

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Can we get to net-zero whilst addressing social and health inequalities?

Can we get to net-zero whilst addressing social and health inequalities?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Climate change is already damaging to people’s health and prospects. Labour has committed to net-zero, and - if done in the right way - has the potential to tackle these deep-rooted inequalities. This event will explore how the new government can deliver equitable pathways to decarbonisation, to break down the barriers to opportunity and improve health and poverty outcomes.


  • Charlotte Carpenter, Karbon Homes

  • Alistair Strathern, MP for Hitchin

  • Jayne Kirkham, MP for Truro and Falmouth

  • Prof Jane Falkingham CBE, University of Southampton

  • Prof Craig Hutton, Director of the Sustainability & Resilience Institute

  • James Alexander, Chief Executive of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association

  • Prof Lindsay-Marie Armstrong, University of Southampton

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Delivering the workforce our NHS needs to be fit for the future

Delivering the workforce our NHS needs to be fit for the future

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the aftermath of COVID-19, our NHS continues to suffer from significant staff shortages - with 121,000 full time equivalent vacancies across the UK. This panel discussion will explore how the new government can work in partnership to resolve staffing issues in a cost effective way in order to help to cut waiting lists, improve staff morale and patient outcomes as well as tackle health inequalities.


  • Paulette Hamilton, MP for Birmingham Erdington

  • Peter Sheppard, Managing Director of NES Healthcare

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Preet Gill, MP for Birmingham Edgbaston

  • Tony Vaughan, MP for Folkestone and Hythe

  • Justyn Tollyfield, NES Healthcare

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The Warmer Homes Reception

The Warmer Homes Reception

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The clean energy transition represents a huge opportunity to deliver warmer homes for all and tackle the cost-of-living crisis affecting the most vulnerable. The Warmer Homes Reception will explore how the new Labour government and business can work in partnership to ensure everyone has the energy security they need.


  • Bill Esterson MP, Chair of the Energy Security and Net-Zero Select Committee

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Chris Norbury, Chief Executive of E.ON

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Decarbonising your travel: how can transport go green?

Decarbonising your travel: how can transport go green?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Purpose Coalition and Hitachi for an in-depth discussion. Further details available on the Labour Party Conference App.


  • Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Deputy Leader of Lambeth Council (Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air)

  • Harriet Butcher, Centrica

  • Joe Morris, MP for Hexham

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Jim Brewin, Chief Director UK & Ireland of Hitachi Rail

  • Julie Minns, MP for Carlisle

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Why we need to track socio-economic diversity to break the class ceiling

Why we need to track socio-economic diversity to break the class ceiling

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The class system in Britain is entrenched - it holds back opportunity and economic growth. Labour has promised to enact the socio-economic duty in the Equality Act, but how can it be done in a way that delivers better job opportunities, social justice, and a fairer society for all?


  • Sandy Begbie CBE, Chief Executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise

  • Gordon McKee, MP for Glasgow South

  • Lord Walney, Chair

  • Sean Duffy, CEO of The Wise Group

  • Victoria Carson, Engagement and Influence Director of The Wise Group

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Breaking down the skills barriers

Breaking down the skills barriers

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the new tech age the skills Britain needs are changing rapidly. This panel discussion will explore the need to bring together business, education experts, and policymakers to ensure people from all backgrounds can gain the skills they need to thrive, to drive economic growth and break down the barriers to opportunity.


  • Siobhan McArdle, Chair of the Tees Valley Business Board

  • Darren Paffey, MP for Southampton Itchen

  • Lord Walney, Chair

  • Jordan Goble, Leonardo

  • Fred Thomas, MP for Plymouth Moor View

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What role can universities have to play in a Mission-led government?

What role can universities have to play in a Mission-led government?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Labour’s Five Missions for Government are ambitious, but they can only be delivered if government works in partnership across society. This event will explore the place of universities in the new Labour government’s agenda to tackle Britain’s biggest social challenges and break down the barriers to opportunity.


  • Peter Swallow, MP for Bracknell

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Professor Nic Beech, Vice Chancellor of Salford University

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Later life is for living: how can more homes for our ageing population benefit us all?

Later life is for living: how can more homes for our ageing population benefit us all?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

With an estimated need for 50,000 homes for older people to be built each year, increasing supply can help us live independently for longer and free up family-sized homes for younger generations. This event will discuss and explore how we can provide age appropriate, affordable and good quality housing, building homes where people can live healthier and longer in later life.


  • Sarah Jones, Chief Executive of Anchor

  • Anna Dixon, MP for Shipley

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Anna Gelderd, MP for South East Cornwall

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The power of three: the role of universities in delivering Labour’s key Missions

The power of three: the role of universities in delivering Labour’s key Missions

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This panel discussion will explore how the new Labour government can work in partnership with higher education to grow the economy and train the doctors, nurses, and teachers our country needs to break down the barriers to opportunity.


  • Sam Rushworth, MP for Bishop Auckland

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Prof Eunice Simmons, Vice Chancellor of the University of Chester

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The Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity Reception

The Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity Reception

Join the Purpose Coalition and Sodexo UK&I for our headline Labour Party Conference networking food and drink reception, celebrating how organisations can work in partnership with the Labour government to break down the barriers to opportunity across the UK. Attendance is by invite only.


  • Matt Dawson, Former Rugby International

  • Sean Haley, CEO of Sodexo UK&I

  • Baroness Smith of Malvern, Minister of State for Skills

  • Lord Timpson, Minister of State for Prisons, Probation, and Reducing Reoffending

  • The Rt Hon Justice Greening, Chair of the Purpose Coalition

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The Purpose After Party

The Purpose After Party

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For more information, check the Labour Party Conference app.


  • Kim McGuinness, Mayor of the North East

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Engagement Director at The Purpose Coalition

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Why is there a need for growing collaboration between higher and further education in delivering the skills Britain needs?

Why is there a need for growing collaboration between higher and further education in delivering the skills Britain needs?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For further information, check the Labour Party Conference app.


  • Rain Newton Smith, Director General of the CBI

  • Dr Shaid Mahmood, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) at Durham University

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Peter Swallow, MP for Bracknell

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The power of money: breaking down barriers through applied financial education for young people

The power of money: breaking down barriers through applied financial education for young people

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We know how important it is for young people to learn about money and how this can protect them from future financial harm. But financial education has little or no context if you do not have access to practical opportunities to use money in your everyday life. This event will explore the role of applied learning in boosting young people’s financial capability, increasing future productivity and breaking down the barriers to opportunity.


  • Sally Wiliams, Chief of Staff, Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC UK

  • Rachel Taylor, MP for North Warwickshire and Bedworth

  • Lord Walney, Chair

  • Sharon Davies, CEO of Young Enterprise

  • Tim Roca, MP for Macclesfield

  • Darcy Holmes, Scouts

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Solving the UK’s skills shortage

Solving the UK’s skills shortage

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A new Labour government gives us a chance to break down barriers to opportunity. Over the last decade, state and private sector investment in skills has declined by 19%. This event will explore the responsibility of employers to equip people with the skills they need, and drive growth.


  • Nick Costa, CEO of Ramsay Health Care UK

  • Alex Ballinger, MP for Halesowen

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • Mel Lindley, Head of School of Allied Health and Social Care at the University of Derby

  • Cat Eccles, MP for Stourbridge

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How can the railways better deliver for customers and communities in the North?

How can the railways better deliver for customers and communities in the North?

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Following the election of a new Labour government in 2024 and their commitment to the establishment of Great British Railways, the railway sector is poised for significant transformation. This event will explore what it means for the rail sector, and how our railways can support evolving passenger habits and the customer experience.


  • Andy Bagnall, Chief Executive of Rail Partners

  • Martijn Gilbert, Managing Director, Open Access Rail Operations at Lumo and Hull Trains

  • Lord Walney, Chair

  • Ruth Cadbury MP, Chair of the Transport Select Committee

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Getting the talent employers need to scale up and grow

Getting the talent employers need to scale up and grow

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Purpose Coalition and Staffordshire University for an in depth panel discussion. Further details available on the Labour Party Conference App.


  • Tom Hayes, MP for Bournemouth East

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • David Burton-Sampson, MP for Southend West & Leigh

  • Prof Annabel Kiernan, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Staffordshire University

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Building LGBT+ inclusive workplaces

Building LGBT+ inclusive workplaces

  • Purpose Coalition's Breaking Down Barriers Tent at Labour Party Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event builds on recent polling carried out by the TUC that found that 1 in 2 LGBT+ people have experienced bullying or harassment in the workplace over the last five years. More than a quarter (28%) have said they have had homophobic, biphobic or transphobic remarks directed at them or made in their presence and – shockingly – one in twenty have experienced physical violence, threats or intimidation because of their sexual orientation.

This event and discussion will aim to build on the findings of the research to consider how employers need to change workplace culture, to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.


  • Lily Soaper, Co-Chair of LGBT+ Labour

  • Rachel Taylor, MP for North Warwickshire and Bedworth

  • Nick Forbes CBE, Chair

  • James Asser, MP for West Ham and Beckton

  • Maria Exall, Former President of the TUC

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Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Britain building? How can we build new homes and sustainable infrastructure?

Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Britain building? How can we build new homes and sustainable infrastructure?

with Labour MP, Andrew Western

Westminster, London

Getting Britain building again is one of Labour’s key missions, from more homes, to investment in key infrastructure such as roads and railways. This roundtable with Andrew Western MP - described as Parliament’s ‘biggest YIMBY’ will explore what that could mean, and the role organisations have to play - from fast- track planning to supporting communities with new development.

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Breaking Down Barriers: Citizens Assemblies - a model for Britain's future?

Breaking Down Barriers: Citizens Assemblies - a model for Britain's future?

The Purpose Coalition is now exploring how the model of citizens assemblies can be expanded to developed to cover more aspects of public policy making to ensure decisions are made that are both long-lasting and have had the necessary stakeholder consultation to make them work. In order to be truly successful, these should include businesses, universities, and our public health services, in partnership with local and national government.

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How will Labour improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace?

How will Labour improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace?

with Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, Ashley Dalton MP

Westminster, London

Achieving equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a crucial part of Labour’s plan for government. This roundtable with Ashley Dalton MP, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities will explore how the next Labour government can work with employers to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace, why it is vital to boosting economic growth and unlocking people’s full potential, and how organisations can tackle socio-economic discrimination in the workplace.

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Building a clean energy superpower

Building a clean energy superpower

with Shadow Minister for Energy Security, Dr Alan Whitehead MP

Westminster, London

One of Labour’s 5 Missions is to ‘Build a Clean Energy Superpower’, and a crucial Purpose Goal is ‘Harnessing the Energy Transition’. This event with Dr Alan Whitehead, Shadow Minister for Energy Security will explore how the next Labour government can work with businesses committed to net-zero in order to deliver on it.

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The Road to the General Election: Economy

The Road to the General Election: Economy


As part of our Road to the General Election series, this virtual seminar with former Member of Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes and Purpose Coalition Chair Justine Greening will explore the role of the economy - from Rishi Sunak’s pledges to cut debt and half inflation, to Labour’s Mission to achieve the highest growth in the G7.

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Budget Debrief: what does it mean for Britain?

Budget Debrief: what does it mean for Britain?

The Chancellor’s Spring Budget is expected to be the last before the General Election - and with it we can expect pre-election tax cuts, giveaways and investment. This session will explore the announcements of the Budget in detail, and the Labour Party’s response ahead of the election.

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The Future of Health and Social Care

The Future of Health and Social Care

This event with Steve Brine MP, Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee, and James Morris MP, former Minister for Primary Care and Patient Safety will explore the role of healthcare organisations to support the training and development of the clinical and medical workforce in the UK.

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Breaking Down Barriers to Law: Action Plan Launch

Breaking Down Barriers to Law: Action Plan Launch

with the Attorney General for England and Wales, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP, Minister of State for Justice, Rt Hon Ed Argar MP, and others.

House of Commons, London

This event in the House of Commons will launch the Breaking Down Barriers to Law Action Plan, bringing together participating law firms, MPs, Members of the House of Lords and other key stakeholders to celebrate the great work of the participating firms.

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Getting the best start in life

Getting the best start in life

with Shadow Minister for Education, Helen Hayes MP


This roundtable will consider the role employers - from businesses to universities have in supporting employees to balance childcare responsibilities in the workplace, and the role of businesses and universities to prepare the next generation to take considered choices about future education steps.

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Road to the General Election: Recruitment & Retention

Road to the General Election: Recruitment & Retention


As part of our Road to the General Election series, this seminar with former Member of Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes and Purpose Coalition Chair Justine Greening will explore the role of recruitment and progression, and how organisations can help ensure it remains a policy priority for all major political parties.

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Road to the General Election: Health

Road to the General Election: Health


This event with former Minister for Public Health and Skills, Rt Hon Anne Milton and former Member of Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes CBE, will explore how health will form a crucial part of the General Election campaign, and what a Labour government will look to do should they take power later this year.

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World Menopause Roundtable with Mims Davies MP

World Menopause Roundtable with Mims Davies MP

Join the Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression for a roundtable to celebrate World Menopause Day. This event will explore the challenges women face in the workplace during the menopause, and discuss how employers can best support women to boost recruitment, retention and productivity.

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