Health The Purpose Coalition Health The Purpose Coalition

Read: The huge rise in people with major illness will have a significant impact, inside and outside the NHS

The scale and impact of the growth in the number of people living with major illness as the population ages has been laid bare in ground-breaking new analysis. It makes for shocking reading, with over nine million people projected to be living with major illness by 2040, an increase of 2.5 million since 2019.

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Political, Politics, Health, Education The Purpose Coalition Political, Politics, Health, Education The Purpose Coalition

Read: New research underlines need to ensure women in poorest areas benefit from levelling up agenda

The urgent need to level up the most disadvantaged areas of the country, particularly targeting women experiencing inequality, was highlighted by new research which shows that in 2021, a woman in the North East of England was 1.7 times more likely to die early as a result of suicide, addiction or murder by a partner or family member than the rest of England and Wales, an increase of 15 per cent since 2018.

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