Read: Changing the conversation for women in the workplace
Leading businesses and Purpose Coalition partners were joined by Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression, Mims Davies MP, at a Women in the Workplace roundtable, sponsored by Teleperformance, in Westminster today to discuss how better employee engagement can break down barriers around the menopause and transform the workplace for women. It also looked at other key areas including women returning to employment and STEM employment.
Mims Davies MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression
The menopause affects 3.5 million women in the UK workforce, and one in four of those consider leaving their jobs because of it. It can impact their performance, productivity, retention and morale but has too often been a taboo subject that was simply never discussed. In a new era of more open employee engagement, many organisations are acknowledging that eliminating the stigma associated with the menopause and talking constructively about its impact will lead to more effective solutions in happier, more productive workplaces.
The Purpose Coalition is working with its partners, including Teleperformace, to ensure that the issue moves up the workplace agenda and highlight examples of best practice. Many of its members have already put in place a range of initiatives to gain a better understanding of the challenges women face and to support their employees through the physical and mental health impact of the menopause .
Speaking at the event Mims Davies MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression said: “We’ve just been having a really rich conversation about supporting women through the menopause and making sure that they’re thriving at any age or career stage. It’s really important to us at DWP because 55% of our workforce are women, and in fact there’s over two million more women in the workforce since 2010.”
Lisa Dolan, VP of People Operations – Employee Experience at Teleperfomance UK added “It was an absolute pleasure to be part of such an important discussion, menopause is a condition that affects most of us in one way or another, it’s important that employers talk about menopause in the workplace, explore the societal and economic issues that menopause can cause. It’s critical that employers become “menopause-friendly” and that managers in the workplace are provided with the knowledge and skills to support their colleagues. It is about breaking down barriers, keeping the conversation flowing and making it simple, listen to your colleagues and they will help guide the direction of traffic”.
Chair of the Purpose Coalition, Rt Hon Justine Greening, said: “The menopause has often been a barrier to opportunity for women. It has undermined their self-confidence and made them feel isolated in a workplace where no one was willing to talk about its impact. That’s not just a personal issue, it’s also a business one as their performance, productivity and sense of worth at work suffers. But the tide is turning and the conversation is now a much more high-profile one. Importantly, it also extends to women’s health more widely, including issues like miscarriage and fertility problems.
Left: Lisa Dolan, VP of People Operations – Employee Experience at Teleperfomance UK, Right: Rt Hon Justine Greening, Former Secretary of State for Education.
“The best purpose-led companies have recognised that talking openly about the issues, and ensuring that genuine employee engagement is in place to help both male and female staff and managers understand the problems and find solutions, makes good business sense. Companies like Teleperformance who are sponsoring today’s event, The Adecco Group, Greene King, Channel 4, Pennon, the Co-op Group and Sodexo are all leading the way in supporting women in the workplace more effectively and making it an integral part of their health and wellbeing strategy. That drives a more inclusive workplace, empowering women and encouraging business success.”