Filtering by: “Politics”

Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Britain building? How can we build new homes and sustainable infrastructure?

Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Britain building? How can we build new homes and sustainable infrastructure?

with Labour MP, Andrew Western

Westminster, London

Getting Britain building again is one of Labour’s key missions, from more homes, to investment in key infrastructure such as roads and railways. This roundtable with Andrew Western MP - described as Parliament’s ‘biggest YIMBY’ will explore what that could mean, and the role organisations have to play - from fast- track planning to supporting communities with new development.

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Breaking Down Barriers: Citizens Assemblies - a model for Britain's future?

Breaking Down Barriers: Citizens Assemblies - a model for Britain's future?

The Purpose Coalition is now exploring how the model of citizens assemblies can be expanded to developed to cover more aspects of public policy making to ensure decisions are made that are both long-lasting and have had the necessary stakeholder consultation to make them work. In order to be truly successful, these should include businesses, universities, and our public health services, in partnership with local and national government.

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How will Labour improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace?

How will Labour improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace?

with Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, Ashley Dalton MP

Westminster, London

Achieving equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a crucial part of Labour’s plan for government. This roundtable with Ashley Dalton MP, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities will explore how the next Labour government can work with employers to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace, why it is vital to boosting economic growth and unlocking people’s full potential, and how organisations can tackle socio-economic discrimination in the workplace.

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Building a clean energy superpower

Building a clean energy superpower

with Shadow Minister for Energy Security, Dr Alan Whitehead MP

Westminster, London

One of Labour’s 5 Missions is to ‘Build a Clean Energy Superpower’, and a crucial Purpose Goal is ‘Harnessing the Energy Transition’. This event with Dr Alan Whitehead, Shadow Minister for Energy Security will explore how the next Labour government can work with businesses committed to net-zero in order to deliver on it.

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Breaking Down Barriers to Law: Action Plan Launch

Breaking Down Barriers to Law: Action Plan Launch

with the Attorney General for England and Wales, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP, Minister of State for Justice, Rt Hon Ed Argar MP, and others.

House of Commons, London

This event in the House of Commons will launch the Breaking Down Barriers to Law Action Plan, bringing together participating law firms, MPs, Members of the House of Lords and other key stakeholders to celebrate the great work of the participating firms.

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Getting the best start in life

Getting the best start in life

with Shadow Minister for Education, Helen Hayes MP


This roundtable will consider the role employers - from businesses to universities have in supporting employees to balance childcare responsibilities in the workplace, and the role of businesses and universities to prepare the next generation to take considered choices about future education steps.

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Skills for Britain: How Higher-Level Skills Can Drive Innovation and a Manufacturing Economy

Skills for Britain: How Higher-Level Skills Can Drive Innovation and a Manufacturing Economy

This discussion, chaired by former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening, explores how collaboration between universities, business and government can support growth, new jobs, and better opportunities for people from the most disadvantaged communities.

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Ready for the Real World: How Can Applied Learning Give Young People the Skills They Need for the Future?

Ready for the Real World: How Can Applied Learning Give Young People the Skills They Need for the Future?

Chaired by former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening, and brings together Young Enterprise Chief Executive Sharon Davies, Shadow Ministers and young people who have taken part in Young Enterprise programmes to explore how a Labour government can futureproof education, putting applied learning at the heart of the classroom.

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Upskilling the Nation: How Can the UK Provide Professional and Technical Education That Is Fit for the Future?

Upskilling the Nation: How Can the UK Provide Professional and Technical Education That Is Fit for the Future?

High level skills are Britain's future - they can boost social mobility, and drive productivity. This event will explore why it is crucial to deliver the green jobs of the future, achieve the highest growth in the G7, and break down barriers to opportunity at every stage.

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Student Success: What do students need to survive and thrive at university?

Student Success: What do students need to survive and thrive at university?

The cost of living crisis has hit students hard, but students need a study-work balance to get the best out of university. This panel discussion will launch Staffordshire University's ground-breaking Student Basic Needs Survey, and explore how we can give students the resources they need for success.

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