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Breaking Down Barriers: Citizens Assemblies - a model for Britain's future?


Citizens' Assemblies are a new concept, not just in Britain, but around the world. Assemblies come together to learn about a discuss issues, and reach conclusions about what they think should happen in society. Assemblies enable decision-makers to understand people's informed and considered preference on complex, controversial and moral issues. In 2018, Parliament commissioned its first Citizens' Assembly on Social Care. 

The Purpose Coalition is now exploring how the model of citizens assemblies can be expanded to developed to cover more aspects of public policy making to ensure decisions are made that are both long-lasting and have had the necessary stakeholder consultation to make them work. In order to be truly successful, these should include businesses, universities, and our public health services, in partnership with local and national government. 

One part of Britain where assemblies have been used extensively is in the London Borough of Camden. Under the leadership of the Leader of Camden Council, Cllr Georgia Gould, the Council started using assemblies as a blank canvass, aiming to ensure that residents can identify the main challenges for the future, help co-produce solutions, and tackle issues identified. 

This roundtable with Cllr Georgia Gould, the Labour Leader of Camden Council and Nick Forbes CBE, a former Member of Keir Starmer's Shadow Cabinet and Chair of the Local Government Association Labour Group will explore how citizens assemblies can be expanded to developed to cover more aspects of public policy making to ensure decisions are made that are both long-lasting and have had the necessary stakeholder consultation to make them work. 


  • Cllr Georgia Gould; Leader of Camden Council, Chair of the London Councils Network, and Cllr for Kentish Town South

  • Nick Forbes CBE; former Member of Keir Starmer's Shadow Cabinet, Chair of the Local Government Association Labour Group and Leader of Newcastle City Council

By invitation only. Please contact your account manager for further details.

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