Read: Widening horizons in cutting edge industries

Demonstrating the art of the possible. That’s the challenge for companies operating in digital and high-tech sectors who need to attract and retain the skilled workforces which will allow them to flourish.

The labour market has undergone a fundamental change in recent years. Many of the jobs on offer now didn’t exist ten or even five years ago. So it’s increasingly important that employers consider how best they can join the dots - between their businesses which are spearheading advances in science and technology and people who may have the curiosity and potential that can contribute to that progress but are unable or unaware to take advantage of the opportunities they offer.

Leonardo is one of the UK’s leading engineering companies and a global player in the aerospace, defence and security sector, a sector which has increased in importance as the country seeks to recover from the economic impact of the pandemic, as well as to address the challenges of the current international situation. With a presence across the UK, including in some of its most deprived communities, the business has always been intent on delivering social value.  

Integral to that is building a pipeline of talent from those communities into the company, bringing benefits to both. Leonardo’s Early Careers Programme helps to ensure that young people are equipped with the information and advice that will provide a positive pathway to rewarding and well-paid jobs. Placements, internships and work experience allow students to get a better understanding of a career in STEM, apprenticeships enable participants to develop in-depth skills in specialist areas and its graduate programme supports them to become engineers and business professionals.

Chair of the Purpose Coalition, Rt Hon Justine Greening said: ”The independent analysis contained in our recent impact report assesses how Leonardo is contributing to the levelling up agenda across the country, particularly in some of our most deprived communities. It showed that it is successfully meeting a number of Levelling Up Goals, including those relating to positive destinations post-16, open recruitment and fair career progression, all within a working environment which promotes diversity and inclusion. It has also committed to tracking its progress and measuring not just the gender and ethnic diversity of its employees but also their socioeconomic background to ensure that the opportunities it offers are accessible to everyone. Its engineering expertise is underpinned by the skills of its employees and its success as a business contributes to the high-wage, high-skills economy that the country desperately needs.“  

Chair of the Purpose Business Coalition, Lord Walney added: ”As a leading member of the Purpose Coalition, Leonardo’s best practice can provide valuable insights into its systematic approach to delivering positive social and economic impact. The business aims to reflect the communities it works in and its commitment to draw on a full range of talent, regardless of background, means it can deliver creative solutions that also make it a more competitive business. As the defence sector – and our national and international security – take centre stage, it’s crucial that they have the resources they need to continue to extend technological horizons. Fundamental to that is attracting and retaining people with the potential to learn and develop the skills and expertise they need to remain at the cutting edge of engineering.”

Danny Davis

Danny Davis is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and leads our work with our corporate members, shaping the future of the purpose agenda. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party.


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