Read: Cost of Living Taskforce is launched to address Britain’s biggest challenge

Rt Hon Justine Greening and Lord Walney have today launched the Cost of Living Taskforce, made up of businesses and public sector organisations committed to helping their customers, colleagues and communities through this difficult time. 

The Taskforce recognises the unique roles the private and public sectors can play and the importance of coming together to work on the challenges facing their customers, colleagues and communities up and down the UK.

The Taskforce will meet regularly across the country to share insights, track progress and ensure maximum impact.  Today’s first meeting of the Taskforce marked the publication of Issue 1 of the Cost of Living White Paper, setting out what seven key Purpose Coalition organisations are doing for their customers, colleagues and communities.

Rt Hon Justine Greening, Chair of the Purpose Coalition said “One of my earliest lessons on money management was from my parents - watching them add up the supermarket bill before we left home so that we didn’t put more in our trolley than we could afford. It especially mattered when my father spent months unemployed in the mid-1908s. But as responsible with money as my parents were, it’s hard to see how they could have money-managed their way through today’s cost of living crisis.

That’s why the Purpose Coalition’s new Cost of Living Taskforce will bring together best purpose-led companies who are committed to helping their customers, colleagues and communities through this difficult time. The Taskforce will meet every month to share insights, track progress and ensure maximum impact. Every organisation can make a decision to make a difference”.

Lord Walney, Chair of the Purpose Business Coalition said “The Cost of Living Taskforce’s first report represents a snapshot of what some of our Purpose Coalition partners are doing to help their staff, customers and communities weather the current cost of living storm. We are continuing to work together, advocating for the benefits of being a truly purpose-led business to policymakers and shaping and developing the levelling up agenda. Their shared values are ones to which all businesses should aspire so that we can deliver real equality of opportunity where it is most needed.”

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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