My experience as a Purpose Coalition Student Ambassador

Ammarah Parven is a student at the University of Worcester and a Purpose Coalition Student Ambassador.

Diversity and inclusion are important because building businesses with these ideas can push forward new ideas and bring different perspectives to the table. One of the ways to integrate that is through initiatives that help those from marginalised communities.  

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are incredibly important when integrating young people into the workforce. As a young person of colour woman these initiatives introduced to me throughout high school and further education have been very useful. These included employability talks, discussions about awareness of discrimination in the workplace, and different pathways that are accessible when entering the job market.  

These discussions have been incredibly helpful because I think awareness is one of the best ways to tackle these issues. These discussions have also helped in the movement of equality because it allows for more accessibility of opportunities for those from marginalised communities.  

During my time as a Purpose Coalition Student Ambassador, I have found the discussions on diversity and inclusion by the various businesses to be very insightful. This is because being able to see how different business operate in relation to this topic can be useful in seeing where they have been successful and what else can be done to further improve.  

While these discussions can be difficult to have, they are important so we can recognise what more can be done. In my personal experience opening doors for marginalised communities into the workforce has been very useful in allowing me to find different opportunities and pathways.  

As can be seen, the job market is very a very competitive and difficult space to navigate especially for young people from marginalised communities. I believe that as long as there is a discussion surrounding diversity and inclusion there can be further developments to make the process easier.  

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