Embracing Starting Fresh

By the Rt Hon Justine Greening, Chair - The Purpose Coalition

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the challenge of filling over a million vacancies across the UK requires innovative and inclusive strategies. It's time we broaden our horizons and tap into a pool of talent that is often overlooked due to historical stigmas - individuals with criminal convictions. The recent launch of Sodexo's Starting Fresh Employer Toolkit is not just a step in the right direction, it's a leap towards transforming societal misconceptions and unlocking potential within our communities.

The toolkit is a testament to the fact that people with criminal convictions can, and do, make valuable contributions to businesses across a spectrum of industries. From construction to hospitality, and from hairdressing to IT services, these individuals often possess the skills, qualifications, and work ethic that employers are desperately seeking. 

But why should your business consider this untapped talent pool? The benefits extend far beyond filling immediate vacancies and breaking down barriers. Employing individuals with past convictions is an opportunity to foster diversity, innovation, and resilience within your teams. Diversity in experience brings diversity in thought, driving innovation and competitive advantage.  

Addressing concerns about risk and suitability is crucial. The toolkit demystifies the process, highlighting that many roles do not require DBS checks and that risk assessments can be tailored to specific job requirements. Initiatives like 'Ban the Box' encourage employers to focus on a candidate’s current skills and potential, rather than past mistakes.  

The evidence is clear. Employment significantly reduces the likelihood of reoffending. By providing opportunities to those with criminal convictions, businesses play a pivotal role in supporting their reintegration into society. This not only helps in reducing the cycle of reoffending but also contributes to building safer communities. 

Engaging with this underutilised talent pool also addresses the practical challenges of recruitment and retention faced by many sectors. With support from organisations like Sodexo, and the guidance provided in the Starting Fresh Employer Toolkit, businesses can navigate the recruitment process, access skilled candidates, and contribute to meaningful social change. 

As business leaders, we must challenge our preconceptions and recognise the mutual benefits of inclusive hiring practices. The Starting Fresh Employer Toolkit offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and embracing this opportunity. It’s more than a resource; it’s a catalyst for change. 

Find out more about the Starting Fresh Employer Toolkit here. 

The Rt Hon Justine Greening

Justine is Chair of The Purpose Coalition. She was formerly the Secretary of State for Education. During her time in Parliament, Justine put equality of opportunity at the heart of her work, and since stepping down has led the Purpose Coalition, which now covers 7 million people and 700 organisations.


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