Watch: Minister for Social Mobility joins Purpose Coalition Menopause Awareness Day Roundtable


Rt Hon Justine Greening, Chair, Purpose Coalition:

It's been a great roundtable with Mims Davies who's the minister for social mobility, talking about the menopause and employers round this table with all of their experiences of what they're doing to support their employees, support their staff and create a culture actually that supports people as they go through their life. It's been brilliant to have Mims here listening to all of those points but also talking about what she's doing at the DWP. Lots of ideas to take forward.

Piers Claughton, Senior Advisor, Virgin Money:

I'm Piers Claughton, I'm from Virgin Money in the Public Affairs team. It's been really great to be part of this roundtable today, hearing from the Minister about plans to tackle the discussion on the menopause. It's also been really fantastic to have the opportunity to talk about what Virgin Money is doing, particularly around the Life more Virgin, to allow the flexibility to help people who are struggling with the menopause.

Emily Gabrielson, Health & Wellbeing Manager, Centrica:

Really, really excited to be part of this round table with the Minister to discuss a really important menopause policies and menopause guidelines and to share best practice with all the businesses around the table. It's really important that speaking about this is not just today, but every day, it impacts so many of our workforce and it's really important that we have culture that we talk about menopause for everybody. Those people who are affected are those that are indirectly affected as it affects nearly everybody at some stage.

Emma Morgan, Partner, Shoosmiths:

And we've talked in depth today about menopause and how it's affecting our business, but also ways in which we can work to support women, also engage the male workforce as well because it's not just women that are affected. It's something certainly that I'm passionate about in our organisation and very much we want to make sure that we are inclusive and ensuring that we support women across the business to ensure we have career progression, but also all the way through that women have the signposting and resources available to them.

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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