Watch: Solidarity With Ukraine

The Purpose Coalition’s ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ reception, powered by Leonardo UK, took place in the House of Commons last week and brought together leaders from across the business, political and education landscape, in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Justine Greening:

It's been brilliant to have the support of so many different MPs from across the parties and to hear Shadow Minister Luke Pollard, but also the Leader of the House, Penny Mordant, talking about why they think supporting Ukraine is so important and how that support is going to continue from the House of Commons, whoever is running the country and in government. These are important messages and I think they were hugely appreciated by Ukrainians who were part of the event.

Lord Walney:

What has been extraordinary and I think characteristic is the continuing very high levels of public support in the United Kingdom for the defence of Ukraine that the United Kingdom is providing.

Penny Mordaunt:

These personal networks that you're helping build as well as those very very practical things that you're doing to support refugees but also help those back in Ukraine as well, it was so critical. And I think it's an absolute example of the best civil society and business working together with a little bit of help from government.

Luke Pollard:

If there is a change to Labour, I want to reassure those Ukrainians in the room that the commitment that the United Kingdom has made to Ukraine will not change. It is so important that at this time, all parties in Westminster share a common platform to say to the people of Ukraine, we have their back, we will be there until you have achieved the entry and we'll keep supporting you after the war is over to help to rebuild that country.

Clive Higgins:

Great to be part of the Purpose Coalition event today representing Leonardo. We're supporting actively the Ukraine population both here in the UK and also in country with some of our equipment. What we've learnt is that the security and defence industry is absolutely critical to the sustainment of good quality jobs, skills in the future of our society with organisations such as Leonardo in the forefront of that and we're trying very hard to ensure that we can build in the UK the resilience and the foundation for jobs and security of the future.


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