Leading with Pride: The Transformative Power of LGBT Inclusion in Business
As we come to the end of the annual LGBT History Month, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the significance of LGBT representation in the workplace
Empowering Voices: Citizens' Assemblies for Purpose-led organisations
Citizens' Assemblies are a proven approach to democratic decision-making. These assemblies serve as dynamic platforms where individuals can come together to deliberate on complex social issues, offering a fresh perspective through a diagonal demographic slice of the population.
Any future government will need to listen to what businesses want from the apprenticeship system to plug the skills gap effectively
National Apprenticeship Week is a great time to celebrate apprenticeships and the huge benefits they bring for both employee and employer, not least because they are also a key driver of social mobility - crucial for delivering opportunity and boosting productivity and growth.
Will Labour's mission to Break Down Barriers finally deliver the promise of levelling up?
As election day in Britain draws ever closer and Labour’s lead shows no sign yet of weakening, the political forecasting industry is switching from debating whether Labour will win to the size of the incoming Labour government’s majority.
Breaking Down Barriers: Labour’s most important mission?
As Britain gears up for a general election later this year, recent polling by YouGov - released this week - shows a dramatic lead for the Labour Party, projecting a victory reminiscent of the 1997 landslide.
Read: Voters care about opportunity, not pathetic division politics and culture wars
In the five years I’ve had the privilege of writing a monthly Saturday column, Britain has gone through huge change. When I first wrote we were entering what would be the dog-days of Theresa May’s turbulent premiership. Buffeted by Brexit winds, they ultimately caused her downfall.
Read: Policy think tank urges socioeconomic tracking for a fairer future
Mandatory socioeconomic tracking and legislation on socioeconomic discrimination are key to making genuine progress on social mobility and ensuring that career opportunities are accessible to everyone.
Read: Shortlist announced for The Purpose Coalition Awards 2023 Breaking Down Barriers
The Purpose Coalition is proud to announce the shortlist of winners for the Purpose Coalition Awards 2023, Breaking Down Barriers, partnered with Sodexo.
Read: A report on social impact – how Aldermore Group charts its progress
An insight into how organisations can track their progress on social impact was published yesterday with the launch of Aldermore Group’s second Report to Society at a roundtable in the House of Commons.
Read: UK Government Minister for Scotland John Lamont MP visits SMS plc HQ
UK Government Minister for Scotland John Lamont visited the headquarters of SMS plc in Glasgow to meet employees and apprentices and hear more about the company’s work to drive forward the UK’s Net-Zero agenda.
Read: CPC23 - Purpose Coalition kicks off Conference exploring how universities can better support students to thrive at university
A groundbreaking report which assesses students’ basic needs was launched today at an event hosted by Staffordshire University and the Purpose Coalition on the first day of the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.
Read: Chancellor meets with Leonardo UK’s Clive Higgins, Justine Greening and Anne Milton to discuss reform to the Apprenticeship Levy
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, has today met with Clive Higgins of Leonardo UK - a leading Purpose Coalition Member - alongside former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening, and former Skills Minister Rt Hon Anne Milton to discuss and explore reform to the apprenticeship levy.
Read: What does Keir Starmer’s reshuffle mean for the Labour Party?
Sir Keir Starmer may have pulled one or two punches by leaving all the biggest jobs in his Shadow Cabinet
unchanged, but the significance of the changes he has made to several mid-level roles should not be underestimated.
Read: New data highlights the urgency of the health community coming together to tackle waiting lists.
An estimated 340,000 people died whilst on a waiting list in 2022, compared to 240,000 in 2017 - a 42 per cent rise, which represents more than 60 per cent of all deaths in England.
Read: Political vision can close Britain’s growing education divide. But who has it?
We all have a stake in fixing the regional and class-driven disadvantage that the exam results expose
Read: Firms must deliver on their social contract
While we see daily reports of the challenges that many people are continuing to face as they struggle with the cost of living, a slew of headlines is fast approaching on the huge profits that many of the UK’s biggest businesses are set about to announce.
The Sunday Take: By-elections give Sunak and Starmer cause for hope and optimism
Whilst many expected this week’s trio of by-elections to result in wipeout for Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party, the results gave the leaders of each of England’s three main party leaders cause for hope ahead of the next general election.
Read: Selby by-election shows the Conservative Party no longer knows what it should stand for
Where exactly is the Conservative Party going? After this week’s by-election results, the flippant answer could be “into Opposition after the next General Election”. But in reality it feels like a much more fundamental question for the governing party.
Read: Unlocking Opportunity - The Critical Link Between Local Housing and Economic Stability
Amidst the beauty of places like Devon and Cornwall, a pressing issue affects the people who form the backbone of these local economies.
Read: Driving access to opportunity: Chair of the Purpose Coalition, Justine Greening, talks to Sean Haley, CEO of Sodexo UK & Ireland
Justine Greening interviews Sean Haley, CEO of Sodexo UK & Ireland.