The Breaking Down Barriers officially launches in Parliament – a new social contract to power-up Britain.
Shadow Minister for Levelling Up, Liz Twist MP
The Purpose Coalition’s new Breaking Down Barriers Commission has officially launched in Parliament - an important initiative to tackle inequality with a renewed partnership between government and industry. The new Commission will focus on identifying and removing barriers to opportunity, supported by politicians, policymakers, businesses, universities, healthcare organisations and local authorities.
The launch also featured a report, Breaking Down Barriers Commission: The Vision and Purpose, which sets out why the current political, economic and social and landscape demands a better understanding of the structural challenges that contribute to inequality. It calls for more innovative thinking on solutions that will deliver transformative change for people across the country and includes a blueprint for action.
The report highlights each of the barriers to opportunity, underpinned by the Purpose Goals developed by the Purpose Coalition and already adopted by over 100 leading organisations across sectors and industries. It also includes for the first time a new goal, Goal 15 Working in Partnership, which acknowledges the importance of strategic engagement across all sectors as a delivery partner for social and economic progress, as well as through alliances with trade unions and employee assemblies.
Chair of the Breaking Down Barriers Commission and former member of Sir Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes CBE said:
“In these difficult times of increasing political division, economic uncertainty and geopolitical insecurity, it is more important than ever to bridge the divide and find common ground on tackling issues of inequality. Partnership is a vital tool in connecting organisations from different sectors and of different sizes who nevertheless have a shared vision of a fairer society.
“The report we have launched today is the Breaking Down Barriers Commission’s blueprint for action. It is part of a strategic, long-term approach that represents a move away from semantics and slogans towards effecting more tangible change in removing the barriers to opportunity. It redefines the role of business in society and seeks new ways of constructive engagement with government. It represents a more collaborative effort to shape a future where business not only prioritises profitability but actively contributes to improving the lives of its customers, colleagues, and communities.
“Over the coming months, the Commission will be working closely with businesses, politicians and potential candidates to develop workable solutions that reflect the wider population’s desire to see a more equitable society that harnesses the talents of everyone, regardless of their background or where they are from.”
Chair of the Purpose Coalition and former Education Secretary, Rt Hon Justine Greening, said:
“Social mobility has been stagnant in this country for decades. The pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have made that situation worse, with increasing inequality especially in our most deprived areas. That wastes talent and robs individuals, communities and regions of a positive and prosperous future.
“There is clear cross-party agreement that we need to address this critical issue, and better understand its root underlying causes, if we are to achieve the growth the country needs. The Breaking Down Barriers Commission continues the work of the Social Mobility Pledge and the Purpose Coalition in bringing together like-minded organisations who focus on a practical and evidence-based approach to creating equality of opportunity and who have a wealth of successful best practice they can share with others.”
Notes to Editors
The Breaking Down Barriers Commission is led by Northern Gas Networks, Curtins and Hitachi Rail as key founding members alongside organisations across the Purpose Coalition.