Read: Unlocking Opportunity - The Critical Link Between Local Housing and Economic Stability
When we think of the picturesque landscapes and coastlines that make up much of the country’s desirable holiday destinations, places like Devon and Cornwall come to mind. These places attract tourists from around the world, providing a significant boost to local economies and creating job opportunities.
However, amidst the beauty lies a pressing issue that affects the people who form the backbone of these local economies.
The lack of affordable housing across the UK, but particularly in tourist hotspots, can leave local people and those doing essential jobs - such as care workers, nurses and local service workers - locked out of the housing market. This not only hampers their own opportunities but also hinders social mobility within these communities and dampens local economic growth. During the pandemic, it was reported that 98 per cent of the people absolutely essential to the running of the country, and to the lives of the vulnerable, could not afford to buy the average priced home in Britain. Now with the subsequent cost-of-living crisis coupled with soaring interest rates and rental prices - 4.7 per cent increase in average rent prices between February 2022 and February 2023 alone - the problem is worsening.
Recognising the gravity of this issue, the Purpose Coalition has embarked on its Rural Opportunities work, aligning closely with Purpose Goals 11 - Infrastructure for Opportunity - and 12 - Building Sustainable Communities.
Several organisations are taking proactive steps to address these challenges. South Hams District Council's new leader, Cllr. Julian Brazil, has rightly prioritised local housing as a key concern, highlighting its far-reaching impact on businesses, schools, and hospitals due to the unaffordability of decent housing for key workers particularly in South Devon but also across the UK. Cllr Brazil recently said “In many rural communities, house prices are changing the nature of villages, with young people and many key workers moving elsewhere.”
Cllr Julian Brazil, Leader of South Hams District Council
Cllr Brazil is right, if we are to unlock opportunity then the supply of local affordable housing must be tackled first and Cllr. Julian Brazil's new leadership at South Hams District Council is shining a light on the local housing crisis. By prioritising local housing initiatives, South Hams District Council has the opportunity over the coming years to provide key workers with accessible and affordable housing options - ensuring that the local economy remains vibrant and robust. This approach has the potential to be an example for other councils and organisations across the country, demonstrating the importance of affordable housing in sustaining economic stability.
The scarcity of affordable housing for key workers jeopardises the stability of local economies. Without suitable housing options, organisations struggle to recruit and retain essential staff, putting public services and businesses at risk.
This issue is particularly grave in the healthcare sector, where the NHS is grappling with acute staff shortages. The Purpose Health Coalition recognises the severity of the situation and has launched the 'NHS: be at the heart of it' campaign. This initiative aims to encourage more people to join their local NHS and commit to serving their communities. By addressing record high waiting lists and promoting better health outcomes, the campaign seeks to alleviate the strain caused, in-part, by a lack of housing for NHS workers.
Affordable housing for key workers is a critical component of maintaining thriving local economies. When nurses, teachers, and other essential workers struggle to find suitable accommodation, the consequences ripple through the community. Businesses, schools, and hospitals suffer as key workers are forced to commute long distances or simply choose to work elsewhere. The Purpose Coalition and its member’s acknowledge the urgency of this issue and are committed to developing innovative solutions to address it, especially in rural communities.
The Purpose Coalition is committed to addressing the housing crisis through our Rural Opportunities work. By strategically pooling resources and expertise, the coalition aims to create sustainable solutions that empower local communities and enhance economic stability. Through collaboration with local authorities, businesses, and community organisations, the Purpose Coalition seeks to take action and forge a path towards organic and affordable housing opportunities for the workers that are absolutely critical to local economies and the running of the country.
From South Hams District Council's proactive approach, to the Purpose Coalition's commitment to driving change, it is evident that stakeholders are waking up to the urgent need for affordable housing solutions.
By recognising the far-reaching impact of housing unaffordability on essential workers and their communities, we can begin to dismantle the barriers that hinder social mobility and economic stability. Together, through collective action and collaboration, we can unlock opportunity and create a future where everyone has a place to call home.
Jack Savage
Coalition Manager and Researcher