Read: Purpose Coalition and bp break down barriers to equal opportunities

The Purpose Coalition, in partnership with bp, has today launched a ‘Levelling Up’ report reviewing bp’s impact on social mobility across the country. It also further examines its plans and activities to widen opportunities in the workforce.

The report – Social Mobility at bp: A Case Study on Breaking Down Barriers – provides an overview of the impact the company is creating in communities across the UK, including in communities like Teesside.

Chair of the Purpose Coalition, Rt Hon Justine Greening, said: “I’m delighted to launch this Levelling Up report with bp. It is spearheading the vital work of reimagining energy for people and planet but the company is about much more than delivering the energy transition. Its ambition to make a positive economic contribution and create opportunities and jobs means it can play a pivotal role in helping to level up the country.”

The Purpose Coalition launched 14 Levelling Up Goals in 2021. These Goals provide a framework to measure organisations’ such as bp’s s impact, whilst helping bp and other organisations identify gaps in access to opportunity and the barriers that prevent people from achieving their potential.

bp is championing ‘Goal 13 - Harnessing the energy transition’, led by its executive vice president for people and culture and Levelling Up Commissioner for Goal 13, Kerry Dryburgh, bp’s work also support eight additional Levelling Up Goals.*

Kerry Dryburgh, EVP for people and culture at bp, said: “We’re backing Britain and are fully committed to the UK’s energy transition – providing reliable home-grown energy and, at the same time, focusing on the drive to net zero. As we look to the future, it’s vital that investments we make unlock new opportunities, empower communities and break down barriers to social mobility.

“The energy transition will only succeed if it also delivers decent work, quality jobs and supports the livelihoods of local communities.”

The report sees bp plan to:

  • Increase the number of apprenticeships globally up to 2,000 by 2030, more than doubling existing apprentice numbers while offering an increasing range of opportunities across the breadth of its strategy;

  • Provide up to 500 work experience placements each year globally, with outreach focused on students who meet social mobility criteria;

  • Gather data on the socioeconomic background of its workforce in 2023 and then agree a subsequent 2030 ambition aspiring to increase the representation of employees from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in the UK’.

Kerry continued: “We believe that everyone should feel that they matter and are empowered to succeed. A person’s talent should determine their success, not their background.  We are proud to be taking action to create more opportunities that can change lives.”

bp will be focused on delivering social mobility initiatives that regenerate and renew communities. It will also look to inspire the next generation of talent through education and outreach, employing people fairly and providing decent work and opportunities. 

Justine Greening added: “bp has shown that it is willing to lead in measuring and evaluating its performance, including assessing its own socioeconomic profile and setting goals for improvement. That will provide real leverage for change. I am looking forward to continuing our partnership with bp, and with Kerry Dryburgh, to maintain the momentum on levelling up and help shape a fairer and more equal society in the future.”

Danny Davis

Danny Davis is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and leads our work with our corporate members, shaping the future of the purpose agenda. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party.


Read: Levelling up our communities through partnership and participation


Read: The Co-op Group launches social mobility impact report