Read: New report launched to recognise social impact of NHS organisations

A new report has been launched to recognise the social impact that NHS organisations are having in communities across the country.  

The report - Leadership: Tackling Health Inequalities - sets out some of the activities and projects that are having a direct impact on patients and communities. 

Examples of best practice to boost social mobility include supporting local people into lower banded health roles, alongside innovative partnerships with business schools to take best practice from business to improve patient care, and schemes to tackle climate change and the environmental impact of trusts. 

The report was produced by former public health minister Rt Hon Anne Milton and the Purpose Health Coalition

The Purpose Health Coalition is part of former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening’s Purpose Coalition - a group of purpose-led NHS organisations, businesses, universities and local authorities.

Anne Milton said: “This report highlights some of the superb work we have seen from NHS organisations who are having a positive social impact on the communities that they serve. We want the practical examples in this report to inspire other NHS organisations who are embracing their roles as anchor institutions - working in partnership with local stakeholders to spread opportunities within their communities. 

“The past couple of years have been an extraordinarily challenging time for the NHS. We know that many of the inequalities that already exist in health and well-being will have been exacerbated by the pandemic. But we also know that many NHS organisations want to use their role as large employers to bring about positive change. 

“Our Purpose Health Coalition partners want to make sure that everyone, wherever they live, has the same and equal access to the health and care services, and can benefit from the improved opportunities and life chances that will result.”

Former Health and Social Care Minister, Rt Hon Dame Caroline Dinenage MP said: 

 "As we recover from the pandemic, tackling health inequalities is more important than ever. That's why the work of the Purpose Health Coalition, chaired by Rt Hon Anne Milton is so important. I am delighted to see how NHS Trusts from across the country are playing their part in ensuring we can all live longer, healthier lives."

Danny Davis

Danny Davis is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and leads our work with our corporate members, shaping the future of the purpose agenda. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party.


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