Read: LPC - Together Today at Labour Party Conference: a campaign for every day of the year

Loneliness is reported to be three times higher in the LGBT+ community. People in it are more likely to be single childless, living alone, in less frequent contact with their families and generally at greater risk of social isolation. The legacy of repeated lockdowns, with their associated decline in resilience is still with us but now also impacted by cost-of-living pressures which are forcing many to make difficult decisions at the expense of their leisure activities and social lives. That affects their health, with research showing that loneliness can be associated with higher rates of mortality, poor physical health, depression and cognitive decline.

At an event at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool today, World Mental Health Day, LGBT+ Labour and the Purpose Coalition were joined by Nick Forbes CBE, Newcastle’s first openly gay council leader, to host Together Today; tackling loneliness. It’s a campaign which calls for year-round support that goes beyond the razamatazz of Pride Week, one which recognises that LGBT+ people and their needs, concerns and aspirations don't just disappear at the end of June. They need a voice for 365 days of the year to ensure they have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Speakers included Florence Eshalomi MP, Shadow Minister for Democracy, Councillor David Bridson, National Secretary, LGBT+ Labour and Danny Davis, the Director of the Centre for Progressive Purpose.

The campaign will focus on showcasing what businesses are doing year-round to support the LGBT+ community. In our work with leading businesses in the Purpose Coalition, we have seen some great examples of work to improve diversity and inclusion, with initiatives that include network groups, mentoring or recruitment schemes that reach out to underrepresented groups. Sharing that best practice will help other organisations to steer their own paths to a more inclusive workforce where everyone feels valued and able to progress. The campaign will also work towards a UK-wide strategy to tackle loneliness in the LGBT+ community in the UK, with the development of innovative solutions including a recognised measure of loneliness.

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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