Read: Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust commits to social impact framework

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT) is partnering with the Purpose Coalition to measure its social impact against an innovative new framework called the Purpose Goals.

Working with members of the Coalition, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust will produce an Impact Report to measure its impact using the architecture of the Purpose Goals, known as the Levelling Up Goals in the UK.

HCT will map its activities against the goals, pulling out areas of best practice and identifying what more could be done to make an impact on the communities it serves.

Established last year, the Purpose Goals focus on key life stages - from early years through to adulthood, alongside other barriers such as fair career progression and good health and wellbeing.

A number of NHS and public sector organisations are now measuring their social impact against the goals, as well as a range of private sector businesses and universities. The goals are the first major piece of work by the Purpose Coalition.

Former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening, who chairs the Purpose Coalition, said: “The Purpose Goals architecture is a great tool for innovative organisations, such as Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, to measure and articulate their purpose. It’s inspiring to be working with an organisation that is committed to its role as an anchor institution within the local community.

“More and more NHS organisations are recognising that they must go further with their wider work to spread opportunity, and this should be applauded. The inequalities that exist in different regions across the UK have been highlighted further following the coronavirus pandemic. The work of the NHS, in collaboration with others, is crucial in tackling these inequalities.”

Elliot Howard-Jones, Chief Executive of Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, said “As a Trust, the COVID-19 pandemic gave us unanimity of purpose, and our response to it exceeded expectations. It also gave us valuable learnings as to how we can innovate to deliver healthcare. Using this experience, along with the Purpose Goals framework, we will identify what more we can do, and how we can work in partnership with others, to make a positive impact on the communities we serve.”

Mark Hulsmeier

Mark Hulsmeier is a Director of the Purpose Coalition. At This Is Purpose Mark leads our work with our public sector members.


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